International School History - European Schools - S7 4hr option

S7 History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S7 Syllabus: English, French, German
World History 1945-50
Key Questions Lessons Additional materials and external links
So... what is history after all? or 'reality no longer is what it was when it was; it cannot be reconstructed’ This first unit of study is available as a website and a downloadable work booklet and PowerPoint.

S7 4hour summary syllabus (PDF).

Selected extract about the problem of memory from Milan Kundera's Ignorance.

Extract from EH Carr's What is History? on the subjectivity of Stresemann's archive.

Extract from Keith Jenkins's  post-modern classic Rethinking History.

History as art and science - J Bronowski - video

What was the impact of WWII on Europe? Video on the war in Eastern Europe. Notes from the film.

Video - World at War - The classic series from the 1970s

Video - World War II Behind Closed Doors

Essay on the events of WWII in Europe.

Video on World War II. See my IB website for an extended version of the essay.
Hypertext version of the IB History of Europe Course Companion on Germany on this website.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History Chapter 10 279-316 provides an informative well illustrated overview from a British perspective.

What were the main events in world history 1945-50 Timeline of essential information. Quiz on the details of the timeline.
What were the earliest origins of the Cold War? Edited extract from Steve Phillips, The Cold War.
Video - Cold War episode 1 Comrades and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
The UK National Archive has an excellent website that includes a fascinating look at documents from the period before 1939 and during WWII. See the wonderful John D Clare for clear link-rich explanations of all features of the early Cold War.
People's Century video which examines the Cold War 1945-61. A good introductory overview.
What were the decisions and resulting tensions of Yalta and Potsdam? Summary tables of Yalta and Potsdam. Walsh GCSE Modern World History 318-323

Video on the conference at Potsdam.

Video - Cold War episode 2 Iron Curtain and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
What were the three main sources of tension between the USA and the USSR in the post-war period? Cold War 1945-47 PowerPoint. Geoffrey Roberts on why the Cold war began between 1945-47.  Edited PDF and original article. Walsh GCSE Modern World History 318-323
Why was the Marshall Plan so significant? Questions based on an edited extract from Tony Judt's Postwar The unedited version of the Judt extract. Detailed presentation on the Marshall Plan.
Video - Cold War episode 3 Marshall Plan and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
Source of tension 1: How did the Soviet Union gain control of central and eastern Europe? Learn the details of the geography and timing of the takeover. Annotated map.

Complete this table based on this extract from the IB course companion about Poland and Czechoslovakia.

Summarise the concerns of Western governments in a letter to President Truman. Activity from Walsh p.330 GCSE Modern World History

Extra information from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE

Hypertext version of the IB 20th Century World History Course Companion on Poland and CZSK on this website.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 322-30

Video on the 'salami tactics' takeover of central and eastern Europe.

 L'Aveu a 1970 French-Italian film directed by Costa Gavras and stars Yves Montand. It is based on the true story of the Czechoslovak communist Artur London, a defendant in the Slánský trial.

Source of tension 2: What was the 'German problem' and why was it so central to the early stages of the Cold War? Complete the three sets of activities in this article about Germany 1945-53.

Extra info - Worksheet James Mason Modern World history to GCSE

Short video as seen in the lesson.

Hypertext version of the IB History of Europe Course Companion on Germany on this website.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 318-323. Films about the Nuremberg Trials. Denazification images from the outstanding GHDI website.

President Truman library activity on the Berlin Airlift. Old British newsreel about the Airlift.

Video - Cold War episode 4 Berlin and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
Source of tension 3: How was Europe reconstructed after the war and what were the origins of the European Union? PowerPoint introduction to the origins of the European Union.

Why did French attitudes to Germany change?  (extract with questions from Tony Judt's Postwar)

Why did American attitudes towards Germany change? (article with questions)

Textbook extract on the origins of the EU with source based questions to be answered. Tony Judt extract on the origins of the EU and why Britain didn't join.

Hypertext version of the IB History of Europe Course Companion on Europe on this website.

More detailed extract from Tony Judt's Postwar on the Origins of the EU.

Tony Judt on Postwar Benelux

The outstanding European Navigator website is a comprehensive, multilingual history of the EU. This section deals with Europe in the immediate postwar period. Churchill's Zurich speech is here.

The European Virtual School project on the history of the EU. The Morgenthau plan from Wikipedia and Roosevelt's archived responses are here.

End of Unit Test - 10th November 2011

Factual knowledge and document paper.

Revision quiz  
A Third Europe: in addition to the satellite states of the USSR and the western states constructing the EEC what other situations exist 1945-57? Paired research activity and presentation on one of the European states not in the USSR sphere of influence or the original EU six. All groups are expected to complete a one page fact sheet. My website has relevant sections on Spain and the UK. Other relevant countries include Greece, Yugoslavia, Nordic countries, Austria, Portugal.

Tony Judt on postwar Austria.

Who was responsible for the start of the Cold War?


PowerPoint from lesson.

Reading from Steve Philips Cold war on the historiography of the Cold War.

Lecture and additional materials on the historiography and an essay by Bradley Lightbody.

Documentary film making activity.

John D Clare on the historiographical debate. See my student's documentary films on the origins of the Cold War on the University of East Anglia website.

Student Documentaries from 2011
Student Documentaries from 2012


About I Contact Richard Jones-Nerzic