International School History - European Schools - S7 4hr option

S7 History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S7 Syllabus: English, French, German
Key Questions Lessons Additional materials and external links
What has been the shape of Chinese History in the 20th century?

Why did the Communists win the Civil War?

Worksheet 1 China Philosophy and Culture and Worksheet 2 edited extracts from Michael Lynch and a note on the transcription and pronunciation of Chinese words.

Source based activity on four reasons why the CCP defeated the GMD.

Worksheet 3 - Compare these extracts from Michael Lynch and Alan Lawrance


Video on China from the 1990s documentary series People's Century.
One Man's Revolution. 20 minute video covering China 1949-76.

Bernardo Bertolucci's The Last Emperor.

Extract from Jung Chang's Wild Swans.
PBS documentary covers China in the 20th century. Part 1 is relevant.

Wikipedia's summary of the whole period.


How did the CCP transform China in the period 1949-53? Worksheet 4 China 1949-53 and video seen in lesson.

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1949-53. (18 minutes)






Extended version of the worksheet for more ambitious students.

See videos above and Mao - Hero or Villain?

Extract from Alan Lawrence, China Under Communism.
PBS documentary covers China in the 20th century. Part 2 is relevant.

How did Mao consolidate his power between 1953 and 1958? Worksheet 5 from the lesson

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1953-58. (13 minutes)


Video on China from the 1990s documentary series People's Century.
One Man's Revolution. 20 minute video covering China 1949-76.

Excellent BBC slideshow on art and propaganda of Communist China.

Wikipedia on the Hundred Flowers campaign.


What were the main features of Maoism and the origins of Sino-Soviet rivalry? Worksheet 6 and questions



Video - Cold War episode 15 China and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Wikipedia on the Sino-Soviet split.


What were the causes and consequences of the Great Leap Forward? Worksheet 7 from the lesson.

PowerPoint from the lesson.

Video extract from the People's Century series.

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1958-62. (25 minutes)

Video - Cold War episode 15 China and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

People's Century documentary video on China.

Video Mao - Hero or villain?

The brilliant Wikipedia has an excellent summary of the main causes and consequences of the Great Leap Forward and up to date figures on the famine debate.


Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution? Worksheet 8 from the lesson.

Video extract from the People's Century series.

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1962-76. (55 minutes)





Video on China from the 1990s documentary series People's Century.
One Man's Revolution. 20 minute video covering China 1949-76.

 Morning Sun, a film and website about the Cultural Revolution.

Video - Cold War episode 15 China and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Wikipedia on the Cultural Revolution.

What was it like to be a Red Guard during the Cultural Revolution? Extract from Jung Chang's Wild Swans with discussion questions.



Wild Swans - the story of one girl's experience of growing up during the Cultural Revolution. The only book I have ever ripped in half.
What were the consequences of the Cultural Revolution? Worksheet 9 from the lesson.  Edited extract from Michael Lynch's The People Republic of China since 1949.

Revision sheet to be completed on China 1945-76


PBS documentary covers China in the 20th century. Part 2 and 3 are relevant.



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