International School History - European Schools - S7 4 hour option

S7 4hr History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Compulsory Core - Europe 4 - Post-war Europe (1945-49) - syllabus
Key Questions and syllabus references. Lessons Additional materials and external links
What were the major consequences of the Second World War for Europe?


Key words:  Liberation

Syllabus outline for S7

Review work from Year 6-

Worksheet 'What was the Second World War?.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History Chapter 10.1 (pp. 278-300)

Important information sheet summary of Yalta and Potsdam.


Worksheet and table to be completed comparing and contrasting World Wars I and II as total wars.
Total War Video on WWI from the 1990s documentary series People's Century. Website for the series.

Archive video footage of the Holocaust.

Selected archive video footage of the liberation of various European countries.


What was Épuration légale?

Key word: The Épuration légale,


Worksheet 1 Case-study: collaborator or resistant? - Louis Renault

13 part video series The Nazi Collaborators. This includes episodes about France, Greece, Belgium and other occupied countries during World War II.


How far was Europe divided by 1949?

How did communist governments come to power in central and eastern Europe.

Key words:   Iron Curtain, Sovietisation, The Cold War, Eastern Bloc, Oder-Neisse Line,

Possible Reference Points:  Marshall Plan (1947), Cominform (1947), Prague coup (1948)


Worksheet 2 - Summarize the concerns of Western governments in a briefing paper to President Truman.

Extra information from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE 

Walsh p.330 GCSE Modern World History

Learn the details of the geography and timing of the takeover. Annotated map.

Video on the 'salami tactics' takeover of central and eastern Europe.


Walsh GCSE Modern World History 322-30
Video - Cold War episode 2 Iron Curtain and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Extension notes for those looking to provide President Truman with more individual/detailed briefing notes.
Hypertext version of the IB 20th Century World History Course Companion on Poland and CZSK on this website.

What was the 'German problem' and why was it so central to the early stages of the Cold War?

Key words:  Denazification, Population transfer

Possible Reference Points: The Nuremberg Trials (1945-1946),

Worksheet 3 - What was the impact of World War II on Germany?

Short video on the fall of Berlin in 1945.

BBC Schools - History File documentary series on the Cold War - episode on Berlin

Hypertext version of the IB History of Europe Course Companion on Germany on this website.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 318-323.

Films about the Nuremberg Trials. Denazification images from the outstanding GHDI website.

Richard Overy essay on the Nuremburg Trials.


Key words:  Population transfer, Reconstruction, Iron Curtain, Atlanticism

Possible Reference Points: The Marshall Plan  

Worksheet 4 - Morgenthau to Marshall: How did attitudes towards Germany change in the period 1945-48.

PowerPoint from lesson.

Text of Zhdanov's speech establishing Cominform - Two Camp Theory (Zhdanov Doctrine).

Atlanticism explained.

Video - Cold War episode 3 Marshall Plan and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Historian Tony Judt answers 11 key questions on the Marshall Plan. Alternatively read the longer unedited version.

Tony Judt on why France changed her attitude to Germany.

Detailed presentation on the Marshall Plan.

Video - Full documentary history of Germany 1945-49


Key words:  Containment

Possible Reference Points:  Berlin Blockade (1948-1949) DDR and FRD (1949) 

Worksheet 5 - What were the main causes and consequences of the Berlin Airlift

Short video as seen in the lesson.

Extra info - Worksheet from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE

President Truman library activity on the Berlin Airlift.

Old British newsreel about the Airlift.

Video - Cold War episode 4 Berlin and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Series of lectures by historian Jamie Shea on the NATO website. This one deals with the 1940s and draws links between many of the events you have been studying.

Beyond East and West: in what other ways was Europe divided by 1949?

Possible Reference Points:  The Greek Civil War (1946-1949),  Tito-Stalin split (1948)

Worksheet 6 - Europe divided outside the blocs: UK, Spain, Yugoslavia and Greece. Revision diagram to complete.


Tony Judt on why Britain didn't join the EEC.

More on Titoism.

British documentary on the Greek Civil War.

Hypertext version of the IB History of Europe Course Companion on Spain on this website.

Extract from historian James Joll provides an excellent detailed summary of why Europe became divided.



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