International School History - European Schools - S7 4 hour option

S7 4hr History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Compulsory Core - Europe 5 - Eastern Europe, Western Europe (1949-73) - syllabus
Key Questions and syllabus references. Lessons Additional materials and external links

 How and why were there different conditions for social and economic development in Europe?

Key words: Capitalism, Free Market, Planned Economy, Social Market Economy, Wirtschaftswunder

Possible Reference Points:  Founding of the FRG (1949), Founding of the GDR (1949, Berlin Uprising (1953), Berlin Wall (1961)


Germany Divided 1949-61 - Worksheet 1

Short video as seen in the lesson.
Prezi presentation of Germany 1949-61

Berlin Wall content from the 7.4A Cold War section of the syllabus.

Complete Prezi presentation of full syllabus content of Europe 5 - Eastern Europe, Western Europe (1949-73) (work in progress)
Video - Cold War episode 7 After Stalin and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.


How far were the economic models of the Superpowers emulated?

What economic and social models were developed in Europe?

How did economic development in eastern and western Europe compare?

Key words: Planned Economy, Titoism, Gomułka

Possible Reference Points:  Hungarian Revolution (1956)

 Riots, crises and protests - who protested and why?

Eastern Europe in the 1950s - Worksheet 2
Prezi presentation of central and eastern Europe in the 1950s

Edited video extract from Cold War about De-Stalinization in Poland as seen in the lesson.

More about the Slansky Trial, Tito-Stalin split and Khrushchev's Secret Speech from my worksheets from the previous syllabus.

Hungary 1956 revision sheet.

Edited video extract from Cold War about the Hungarian Uprising as seen in the lesson.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History Walsh – 400-403
Video - Cold War episode 7 After Stalin and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Video about the Hungarian Uprising from the BBC Schools Cold War series. The highly reliable Wikipedia, the BBC and John D Clare on the Hungarian Uprising,

Series of lectures by historian Jamie Shea on the NATO website. This one deals with the 1950s and draws links between many of the events you have been studying.

Slansky Trial from Radio Prague

Hypertext version of the IB 20th Century World History Course Companion on Poland and CZSK on this website.
British born Ivy Norman Kovanda, grandmother of an EEBIII student, witnessed the Czechoslovak purges first hand. This is her personal account.
L'Aveu a 1970 French-Italian film directed by Costa Gavras and staring Yves Montand. It is based on the true story of the Czechoslovak communist Artur London, a defendant in the Slánský trial.



How were the living conditions in the states, blocs and regions of Europe different between 1949 and 1973?

How far did economic development stabilize the political situation in Europe?

How far were the economic models of the Superpowers emulated?

Possible Reference Points: Oil Crisis (1973)

Key question from core unit, Europe 6: How and why did the communist regimes of central and eastern Europe collapse in 1989?


Why did communist regimes last so long? - Worksheet 3
Prezi presentation explaining the resilience of the communist system.

Coercion, Persuasion and Consent. My model of state control explained.

Short video extract from the People's Century series.


The Lost World of Communism. Documentary series examining everyday life in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania.

More about the historians Zbigniew Brzezinski and Eric Hobsbawm.

How far were the economic models of the Superpowers emulated?·

What economic and social models were developed in Europe?

How did economic development in eastern and western Europe compare?

What impact did economic development have on living conditions?

Key words: Gastarbeiter, Migration

Possible Reference Points:  ECSC (1951), Treaty of Rome (1957), Founding of EFTA (1960),  Oil Crisis (1973)

What were the causes and consequences of the post-war economic boom in western Europe? Worksheet 4

Video on the post war boom as seen in the lesson, edited extract from the People's Century series.

Notes from the People's Century episode. Includes a very useful summary of the causes and consequences of the 1973 Oil Crisis.

Short videos on 1950s youth culture and women, edited from the People's Century series.

The full episode of People's Century, a video which examines the post-war boom.
How were the living conditions in the states, blocs and regions of Europe different between 1949 and 1973?

What economic and social models were developed in Europe?

How did economic development in eastern and western Europe compare?


Worksheet 5 on Greece, Spain and Portugal 1949-73 and the Venn diagram to complete.



Hypertext version of the IB History of Europe Course Companion on Spain on this website.

An online history of Greece and a very readable account of the years of dictatorship.

On the impact of tourism see this brilliant use of before-and-after photos of Spain c1950 and today.

Engineering of consent in Spain. How Spanish children were taught civic education in Franco's Spain - Asi Quiero Ser


Riots, crises and protests - who protested and why?

Key words: The German Student Movement, 68ers, Extra-parliamentary Opposition, The Women’s Movement

Possible Reference Points: Paris May (1968)


Worksheet 6 on the youth and women's protest movements.

Walsh 380-386.GCSE Modern World History

Short videos on 1960s student movement and the second wave of feminism, edited from the People's Century series.

Chapter 1 of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique "The Problem that Has No Name".

The importance of the Beatles in the Cold War? Article

The full episodes of People's Century that examine the youth movement and the position of women in the post-war world.
Video - Cold War episode 13 Make Love not War and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
Riots, crises and protests - who protested and why?

Key words: Prague Spring, Brezhnev Doctrine

Possible Reference Points: Prague Spring (1968)

Worksheet 7 on Czechoslovakia and Poland 1960s-73.

Cold War video seen the lesson.




Extended extract from Cannon et al. IB 20th century world history course companion in text form and on this website.
Video - Cold War episode 14 Red Spring and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.



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