International School History - European Schools - S7 4 hour option

S7 4hr History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Compulsory Theme - 7.4A - Cold War and international relations since 1945  - syllabus
Key Questions and syllabus references. Lessons Additional materials and external links
Key Question - Why did the Cold War Start?

What were the earliest origins of the Cold War?

What was the outcome of World War II?

Syllabus outline for S7

7.4A - Cold War and international relations since 1945  - syllabus

Worksheet 1 and diagram to complete - the origins of the Cold War. Extract from Steve Phillips, The Cold War.

Video - Cold War episode 1 Comrades and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
The importance of the Cold War in 20th century history. Jeffrey Sachs on BBC website.

The UK National Archive has an excellent website that includes a fascinating look at documents from the period before 1939 and during WWII.

See the wonderful John D Clare for clear, link-rich explanations of all features of the early Cold War.

People's Century video which examines the Cold War 1945-61. A good introductory overview.



Key Question - Why did the Cold War Start?

What were the short-term causes of the Cold War?

Who was involved in the start of the Cold War?

Key words: United Nations, Iron Curtain, Satellite States, Truman Doctrine, Two Camp Theory, Containment, Marshall Plan

Possible Reference Points: San Francisco Conference (1945), Yalta (1945) Potsdam (1945)


Worksheet 2.  Cold War 1945-47 PowerPoint.

Edited extract from Geoffrey Roberts on why the Cold war began between 1945-47.

Video - Cold War episode 2 Iron Curtain and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Important information sheet summary of Yalta and Potsdam.

For the details on the European dimension of the Cold war from 1945-49 see Europe 4: Post War Europe.


Walsh GCSE Modern World History 318-323

United Nations website page on the importance of the San Francisco Conference of 1945 and short newsreel film from 1945.

Text of Zhdanov's speech establishing Cominform - 'Two Camp Theory' (Zhdanov Doctrine).

BBC Schools - History File documentary series on the Cold War.

Who was responsible for the start of the Cold War?


PowerPoint from lesson.

Worksheet 3 from Steve Philips Cold war on the historiography of the Cold War.

Lecture and additional materials on the historiography and an essay by Bradley Lightbody.

Documentary film making activity.

What are the key documentary film-making techniques?

The exposition worksheet for group completion.


John D Clare on the historiographical debate.

See my student's documentary films on the origins of the Cold War on the University of East Anglia website.

Student Documentaries from 2011
Student Documentaries from 2012
Student Documentaries from 2013
Student Documentaries from 2014
Student Documentaries from 2015
Student Documentaries from 2016
See my article explaining why history students should be making documentary films.

Key Question -
What was the Cold War?

What were the levels of conflict?

How and why did the Cold War change between phases of crisis and relaxation?

Key words: Peaceful Co-existence,  Domino Theory


How did the Cold War develop in the 1950s?
Lecture and Worksheet 4

Wikipedia on Peaceful Co-existence and Domino Theory.

Three part BBC documentary from 2013 examines the Cold War from a British cultural perspective.

1950s American public information films about the threat of the USSR and communism.

McCarthyism - Short edited video extract from Cold War

Possible Reference Points:  Korean War (1950-53)

What influence did the logic of the Cold War have on regional conflicts? South-east Asia.

Can the UN resolve international conflicts?


Worksheet 5 on the Korean War.

Short BBC schools video on the Korean War.


Outstanding BBC website on North Korea today - North Korea Secretive State.
Video - Cold War episode 5 Korea and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
Key words:  Warsaw Pact, The Arms Race, MAD,  Disarmament

What were the levels of conflict?

The arms race and space race worksheet 6.

Short video extract from Cold War series on Space Race and U2 crisis.

Four part BBC documentary on the Space Race.

BBC Schools - History File documentary series on the Cold War - episode on the Arms Race

BBC illustrated article on the history of the U2 spy plane. 
Video - Cold War episode 8 Sputnik and accompanying website.


Why did superpower relations deteriorate in the early 1960s? U2 spy plane and Berlin wall worksheet 7 activity based on James Mason Modern World history to GCSE

10 minute video extract from Cold War episode 9 on the building of the Berlin Wall.

Walsh 342-46 GCSE Modern World History

Background content on Germany 1949-61 from the Europe 5 section of the syllabus.

Video Days that Shook the World on U2 Spy Plane and Cold War spies.
People's Century video which examines the Cold War 1945-61. A good revision overview.

John D Clare on U2 and Berlin Wall. This recent (2014) article considers the spy novel culture of the Cold War.

Video - Cold War episode 9 Wall and accompanying website.
What influence did the logic of the Cold War have on regional conflicts?- Latin America

What were the levels of conflict?

Worksheet 8 on the USA in Guatemala and Cuba

Video extract about Edward Bernays' role in the US propaganda campaign about the Guatemalan coup from the Century of Self.

Compare the media manipulation in the Guatemala and the Congo - short video.
Video - Short extract from Cold War episode 18 on Guatemala and Cuba and accompanying website.

People's Century video on Cuba and Vietnam.

Wikipedia on the Guatemalan coup and the CIA's website's mea culpa of the 'shameful' actions in Guatemala and 'unfortunate legacies of the Guatemalan "success"'.

Cold War Museum's account of the 1997 declassified CIA documents revealing the USA's role in 1954.

Video - Mark Steel lecture on Che Guevara.

Videos - Castro: Hero or Villain?, 

Full People's Century video which examines the role of guerilla war in post 1945 liberation movements. Also good for decolonisation topic.

Eric Hobsbawm extract on the Cuban Revolution
The award winning BBC documentary The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis episode 2 'The Engineering of Consent'.


How and why did the Cold War change between phases of crisis and relaxation?

Key words: Détente, Disarmament

Possible Reference Points: Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

PowerPoint from the lesson.

Cuba Worksheet 9a on the decisions to be made by Kennedy.

Cuba Worksheet 9b an overview of the causes and consequences of the crisis.

Textbook accounts by Bradley Lightbody, Oliver Edwards and Mike Sewell

Walsh 347-52 GCSE Modern World History
Video - Cold War episode 10 Cuba and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

BBC Schools - History File documentary series on the Cold War. Episode on Cuba.

John D Clare on Cuba. Video - Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified

PBS documentary from 2012, a dramatic reconstruction about the nuclear submarine that nearly started World War III.

Thirteen Days is a 2000 docudrama directed by Roger Donaldson about the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, seen from the perspective of the US political leadership. Kevin Costner stars

How accurate is 13 days? See Alex von Tunzelmann's review.

Fog of War is a 2003 American documentary film about the life and times of former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara The film was directed by Errol Morris.


What influence did the logic of the Cold War have on regional conflicts?- Indo-China

How and why did the Cold War change between phases of crisis and relaxation?

Possible Reference Points: Indochina/Vietnam War (1946-75)

Worksheet 10 on the Vietnam War.

Video on the photography of the Vietnam War: The Camera at War and (optional) questions to be answered.

PowerPoints on how the war was fought and why the USA lost.

Video - Cold War episode 11 Vietnam and website. This includes a transcript 
Walsh 355-359.GCSE Modern World History

Scene from Apocalypse Now


An outstanding illustrated multimedia essay on the photography of the Vietnam War.

BBC Exhibit marks the 40th anniversary of the death of photographer Henri Huet - 11 May 2011. Daily Mail illustrated article in 2013 on Larry Burrows and this Time Life exhibition

American experience video and website on the My Lai massacre.

Videos on Ho Chi Minh (also useful for decolonisation)

Extract from Vivienne Sanders 'Fighting and Living in Vietnam'.

Video - The BBC in Vietnam.

Video Fog of War
Hollywood on war: an analysis by John Pilger

Three part BBC documentary from 2013 examines the Cold War from a British cultural perspective.
Steve Phillips on why the USA failed to win. Edited extract from Kevin Jackson's 2002 article for the Independent on Sunday about the attraction of war movies. 

How and why did the Cold War change between phases of crisis and relaxation?

What influence did the logic of the Cold War have on regional conflicts?- Middle East and Portuguese Africa

Key words: Détente, Disarmament

Possible Reference Points: Helsinki Accords (1975),


Worksheet 11 on Détente

Walsh 410.GCSE Modern World History


Video - Cold War episode 16 Detente and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Essay by Bradley Lightbody on Detente.

Short edited extract from Cold War series about events in Chile 1973 and Nicaragua and El Salvador at the end of the 1970s.

Video - Cold War episode 17 Good Guys, Bad Guys and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode. The first part deals with the Middle east, the second with Lusophone Africa.


Key Question -
Why did the Cold War end?

What influence did the logic of the Cold War have on regional conflicts?- Afghanistan

How and why did the Cold War change between phases of crisis and relaxation?

Key words:  Brezhnev Doctrine, Reagan, Gorbachev, Glasnost, Perestroika, Revolutions in Eastern Europe

Possible Reference Points: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (1979), The Iranian Revolution (1979), Moscow Olympics (1980) Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)

How close did the world come to nuclear catastrophe in 1983?


Worksheet 12 on the Second Cold War
Prezi presentation Second Cold War.

On Afghanistan watch this short video extract from People's Century.

Three part BBC documentary from 2013 examines the Cold War from a British cultural perspective. See Part 3.

Cold War culture information sheet and video. See the original

Able Archer information sheet.

Excellent documentary about the nuclear crisis 1983: The Brink Of Apocalypse


BBC Schools - History File documentary series on the Cold War. Episode on The Second Cold War.

Short edited extract from Cold War series about events in Central America during the Reagan years.

Short videos set of videos examining key moments in the end of the Cold War.

Essay by Bradley Lightbody - Why and how did President Reagan challenge the USSR from 1981 to 1985? from his Cold War book.

Video - Cold War episode 22 Star Wars and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode. On Afghanistan  episode 20 'Soldiers of God' accompanying website and a transcript of the episode.

See the two big Nuclear Holocaust movies of the 1980s: The Day After and Threads and the excellent Raymond Briggs animation When the Wind Blows.

See the extract from the bomb episode of the Young Ones. Play the 1980s arcade games and watch the Cold War music of the 1980s. Includes rare performance of Cardiff's finest Along The Lines (i.e. me) doing my Cold War classic 'Futile Dreams'!


What caused the fall of the USSR?

Key words:  Brezhnev Doctrine, Reagan, Gorbachev, Glasnost, Perestroika, Revolutions in Eastern Europe

Possible Reference Points: Dissolution of the USSR


Worksheet 13 on the collapse of the USSR.  
Video - Cold War episode 23 The Wall Comes Down  and accompanying website.

Videos of Gorbachev and Reagan shown in the lesson.
Cartoons about Reagan as seen in the lesson


News report video collection from 1990 that shows how events were reported in the USA at the time.

Video - Gorbachev: hero or villain?

For a very readable account of the relationship between Reagan and Gorbachev and a conservative view of the importance of Reagan see this extract from JL Gaddis Cold War. Print or web.

Additional notes about Gorbachev and the opposing blog interpretations about Reagan.

Essay by Bradley Lightbody on the role of Gorbachev in the end of the Cold War.


What were the consequences of the end of the Cold War for the political world order?

Key Question -
What was the Cold War?

Key words:  Religious Fundamentalism, Nationalism.

Possible Reference Points:  Dayton Accords (1995), 9/11 (2001), The Second Gulf War (2003-11)


What was the Cold War? How has international relations developed since 1991?
Adam Curtis's 2015 film about how we got to where we are today

Video - BBC Newsnight discusses with historians in 2014 about the 25 years since the end of the Cold War.

How are the events of the Cold war connected? An essay planning and revision sheet.

Video - Cold War episode 24 Conclusions  and accompanying website.
Video - Full People's Century looks to the future of the post-Cold War world.



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